Work package description

WP 1 Project Management and Coordination
WP Leaders ANR & MoEST
Overall WP1 focuses on activities required to ensure a smooth, timely and cost effective implementation of the project, including: implementation of a robust management structure; facilitation of dialogue processes in a transparent manner; ensuring the commitment of the partners throughout the project for the successful launch of a long term EU-Africa Research and Innovation “flagship” partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA).
The project management will include the following activities:
- Setting up of governance structures (MT: Management Team, GA: General Assembly of partners, WPC: Work Package leaders Committee, GF: Group of Funders meeting),
- Work planning (including organizing the governance structures meetings), coordination of WPs and target setting,
- Administrative and financial management of the project minimizing costs,
- Management of gender issues and ethics, resolution of possible conflict
- Carrying out quality control of the work performed and of deliverables,
- Collaborative work through an efficient knowledge management tool,
- Monitoring results regarding fulfilment of the planned objectives,
- Drafting of a long term “flagship” partnership proposal by assembling contributions and outputs of all other WPs especially WP6.
WP 2 Preparation & Launch of the co-fund (call research agenda)
WP Leaders DLR & NRF
The co-funded call will be prepared and implemented. The call will include the following areas in accordance with the H2020 Work Programme 2016-2017, SFS-41-2016: EU-Africa Research and Innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture’:
- Sustainable intensification
- Agriculture and food systems for nutrition
- Improvement of agricultural markets and trade
This work package will deliver the call text for the co-funded call, provide all relevant call documents and implement an electronic submission tool for the pre- and full proposal stage. The launch of the call will be promoted to the research community, and consultation will be provided to the potential applicants at national and international level. The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) consisting of partners DLR (DE), NWO-WOTRO (NL) and NRF (ZA), will be responsible for the organisation of the co-funded call. Responsibilities for the JCS will be shared between WPs 2 and 3 in order to align the necessary processes and allow for a smooth execution of tasks
WP 3 Evaluation & Proposal Selection
WP Leaders NRF & NOW
The proposal evaluation and selection process will be done by a two-step procedure according to the evaluation criteria as specified in the call and to be elaborated upon during call development (WP2).
The tasks to do are sub-divided according to the phases in the evaluation process: preparation, assessment preliminary proposals, evaluation and ranking full proposals, and decision on funding.
All Funding Parties will have a role in the entire process, by providing names of the experts for the evaluation committee members and reviewers, by checking the eligibility of preliminary and full proposals, and by checking the budget and administrative formalities of the awarded projects. The funding decision will be taken by the Group of Funders.
WP 4 Projects Follow-up and Monitoring
WP Leaders UNCST & FCT
The objectives of WP 4 are
- to define project monitoring indicators that fulfil national/regional and Horizon 2020 criteria,
- to monitor project progress and reports, and
- to perform projects evaluation.
WP 5 Knowledge sharing and research uptake
WP Leaders CIHEAM Bari & MHESR
This work package aims to support communication and dissemination activities of LEAP-Agri and to increase the coherence, effectiveness and impact of the projects funded by the joint call for proposals.
The key objectives of this work package are:
- Ensure timely and effective communication and information dissemination to external stakeholders;
- Support knowledge sharing and research uptake between projects funded by the joint call and with external stakeholders, including end-users;
- Enhancing impact by the identification of potential synergies and, wherever possible, future collaborations with other projects or programmes (beyond the projects funded under the joint call);
- Support the networking of projects funded by the joint call.
WP 6 Feeding the EU- Africa long term partnership in Research and Innovation on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture
WP 6 will support the development of the long-term EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. It will be directly linked to the HLPD road map’s ambition to ‘align, under a shared vision, research and derived innovation activities of a broad range of partners, irrespective of their funding mechanisms or legal instruments’. It will also aim at further connecting research and innovation networks to local multi-stakeholder research and innovation processes
Activities will include
- Developing a strategy to mobilize a consortium of EU-AU funders and research and innovation partners, Program Managers and Program Owners as well as well as other relevant agencies, who have a potential to jointly initiate R&I projects and other relevant activities. The work of this consortium will focus on developing the medium to long term research and innovation strategy (content, modalities and funding mechanisms) and on facilitating the integration of new partners on this agenda.
- Provide a framework and mechanism to reflect and conceptualize new partnership instruments allowing linkages and synergies between a broad range of European and African partners (public, private, national, international) to better serve the above mentioned agenda.