Public consultation on the working document of the joint African Union (AU)-European Union (EU) Innovation Agenda, an ambitious unprecedented initiative aiming to translate Research & Innovation endeavours into tangible businesses, services and jobs, in Africa and Europe. Please find below the link to the public consultation. This consultation aims, by the means of an online survey, to gather input and feedback from citizens and stakeholders (including also organisations), to ensure that the Innovation Agenda will be fully respondent to needs on the ground. Participants can indeed take the survey either as individuals or on behalf of their respective organisations/institutions/universities.
Please note that a copy of the working document of the Innovation Agenda is accessible right on the online survey page (after the Introductory Paragraph), also in French (soon in Portuguese and Arabic as well). As you will see, the Agenda foresees short-, medium- and long-term actions in the four joint AU-EU priority areas of Research & Innovation, namely (i) Public Health (One Health included), (ii) Green Transition (encompassing Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, Climate Change and Sustainable Energy); (iii) Innovation & Technology and (iv) Capacities for Science:
The final version of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda will therefore take into account all contributions received through the consultation and is expected to be approved in the course of next year.
We would be very grateful if you could kindly circulate this information among your colleagues, partners and networks, engaged in collaborative Research & Innovation between Africa and Europe, as their input would be very valuable and appreciated.
Please note that the consultation will remain open until May 13th, 2022.
For more information, please find also below:
- A promotional video on the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, in which we hear the views and hopes on this matter of two African female entrepreneurs, Chisom and Hadiyyat.
- A report on the pilot “mapping” of projects pertaining to the AU-EU Research & Innovation partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA), spanning also livestock keeping and aquaculture across several African countries, to which reference is made in Annex 3 of the working document of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda. This pilot work aimed to identify the most promising research projects from a socio-economic development and innovation standpoint and to document the specific needs that should be addressed for such projects to turn into business and development opportunities, as part of the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda.